For cancer surgery, trust North Texas’ advanced, experienced surgeons

Cancer surgery is a big-tent medical service. To put it simply, cancer surgery is any surgery that is performed to treat, relieve or prevent cancer. Surgery was the first treatment for cancer, and it remains one of the most common and effective cancer treatments. Most people who are diagnosed as having cancer are likely to undergo some form of surgery as part of their comprehensive treatment plan.

Surgical oncology is surgery with several cancer-related goals.

Surgical oncology encompasses a variety of techniques, approaches and — very importantly — objectives. Here are of the goals of cancer surgery:

  • To remove some or all of the cancerous tissue
  • To diagnose cancer and determine its location, spread and effects
  • To restore physical function and appearance affected by cancer or cancer treatment
  • To relieve side effects of treatment
  • To relieve pain or other symptoms of cancer – palliative care

To make an appointment with one of our physicians, call (972) 696-0030.

For your cancer surgery needs, NTOCS has it mastered.

At North Texas Oncologic & Complex Surgery Associates, cancer surgery is our specialty. This means that our board-certified surgeons are fellowship-trained in oncologic surgery. In addition to the skills and critical thinking developed from their experience in trauma and surgery, our physicians have honed their skills through years of hands-on experience treating cancer.

Leading-edge surgical treatment

  • Breast cancer
  • Inherited cancer syndromes
  • Liver and pancreatic tumors
  • Thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal cancer
  • Abdominal cancers
  • Melanoma (skin cancers)
  • Sarcomas
  • Esophageal and stomach cancers
  • Colon and rectal cancer
  • Thoracic cancer

A reputation for excellence. A commitment to your best interests.

Today, North Texas Oncologic & Complex Surgery Associates’ surgeons are well known among doctors and patients alike for their unsurpassed expertise with cancer surgery and other complex surgeries. At the same time, their reputation for excellence is built upon their longstanding commitment to providing the very highest standard of care. Our surgeons perform an extensive variety of surgical procedures, including some not offered by other surgeons in North Texas.

In addition, our team of expert surgeons emphasize not merely the importance of surgical excellence but the essential nature of continuity of care. We are cancer surgeons who see ourselves in the right light: as members of a team who provide a particular type of treatment as part of a much larger cancer-care effort. But rather than see this as a reason to just perform surgery, we know that it’s a responsibility to get involved, cooperate actively with your other providers, and help make sure you’re getting the right care at every turn.

If you wish to learn more about how our surgical oncology and thoracic surgeons are setting the standard for advanced surgery for cancer, call (972) 696-0030